trivial gadget stuff

I’ve been feeling blah the past few days because my cellphone’s LCD looked washed-out. I know it’s silly to get the blues just because a small gadget’s display was looking pale. But what can I say, I was affected. I missed the crisp colors of the display. Other than the pallid display, the phone worked fine. But how was I supposed to take good pictures with the 2-megapixel cam when the display had utterly poor contrast? Like a parent whose child suddenly turned pale, I just knew I had to do something…

To the repair shop I went. There was no option but to get an LCD replacement, I was told. Apparently, I was an irresponsible “parent”–I did drop my baby several weeks ago. I was half-asleep and feverish with the flu then and kicked the poor phone off the bed. Obviously, the sound of the drop did more to wake me up at 4AM than three mugs of coffee and an alarm clock in full volume could ever do.

Now, I’m waiting for the repair shop (authorized Sony Ericsson service center) to finish installing the new LCD. The phone doc said there’s a small chance my phone would reject the new LCD. (Goodness, this sounds like heart transplant surgery!) If that happened, they wouldn’t be able to revive it. Gulp. This is stressful. So, in a few minutes, I would either be a few thousand pesos poorer but with a great-looking and well-functioning gadget, or a grieving “parent.” We’ll see.

I’m passing time at Gloria Jean’s in Megamall. Gloria Jean’s is very accomodating to laptop users, even offering an extension cord so I can choose a corner regardless of how far or near it is to a power outlet. Ahhh 🙂

Right now, there’s a live guitar performance in this small coffee shop. The music is great, very soothing. The guitarist has played “Dance with me”, “Killing Me Softly”… and other oldies-but-goodies. At this very moment, he’s strumming “Say a Little Prayer.” I don’t want to leave but I’ve finished my coffee and I need to head out to check on my phone.

P.S. Cellphone survived the “transplant.” I’m 3k poorer, but now it’s a treat looking at the display — it should be. Now I just have to get over this unexpected assault on my budget. Hehe.