introducing… kierk!

It’s past midnight and I know I should be unconscious and snorring (and drooling? Yak!), but I’m just too excited too turn in. The reason for my late-night excitement? Kierk*! My new laptop, an HP Compaq nx6120 – a fantastic deal for budget-constrained techie-wannabes such as myself!

There were no glitches in the software installation – whew – thanks to Jireh my housemate who, even on the eve of his engineering board exams, just couldn’t resist the call of a new gadget straight out of the box. I was just all too glad to let him lend a hand as I have had nightmares installing software before. After the major stuff had been loaded onto Kierk – OS and hardware drivers – Ji and I prayed for his board exams, and then Kierk and I were alone to get acquainted.

Kierk’s first project? The powerpoint presentation I wasn’t able to finish at work because I rushed to the mall to get Kierk. (Go ahead, call me workaholic.) After that was through, the next best thing to do, of course, was to tap dance on Kierk’s brand-new keyboard! And so here I am, blogging with a silly smile on my now-oily face.

Kierk’s great and all, but I admit I still miss Hobbes a bit. I put up Hobbes, my trusty ECS desknote, for “adoption” last Friday. My weekend was miserable without Hobbes, with only the thought of getting Kierk keeping me sane. I’m sure Hobbes’s new owner will take good care of him – right, Arnold? πŸ˜‰ Maybe one day Hobbes and Kierk could go out and play together. Would be fun.

It’s getting late. The perk-up effects of the mug of coffee I had are starting to wear off. Thanks for sharing my excitement about Kierk!

*Kierk got his name on a bus ride, while stuck in Ortigas Ilalim with Gladys. Kierk’s namesake is the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. We thought it would be nice to keep with philosophers’ names, as with Hobbes and his twin bro Calvin (once owned by Bespren).


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